Google Summer of Code
A deep dive into my firmware journey with RTEMS for Google Summer of Code ‘23.
Understanding Raspberry Pi
A series of posts on covering the undocumented low-level details pertaining to the Raspberry Pi boards.
Streamlining Raspberry Pi OS Development
OS development for the Raspberry Pi 4 can be slow, but it doesn’t have to be. This series aims to improve the quality of development life through automation.
Managing project-specific configurations in ZSH
A short post outlining how I implement project-specific shell configurations in Linux.
CTF, ELF binaries and magic bytes
Just a short blog on a fun CTF challenge I did related to ELF binaries.
How to exploit EternalBlue vulnerability
Learn how to exploit EternalBlue vulnerability to spawn a TCP reverse shell from the target machine.
How to use inline SVGs with Hugo
Learn how to use inline SVGs to make your static websites lighter and faster.
How to hide i3wm’s title bar properly
In i3wm, you can’t directly hide the title bar for stacked/tabbed containers. This article will enlighten you with a neat workaround.
One Liners
Get introduced to the underlying beauty and complications associated with solving problems in a single line of code.
Year-wise population graph using Scrapy
Explore the trends in world population over the years yourself using a bit of code.
How to install Mongoose OS on ESPer or ESP32
A tutorial on how to install Mongoose OS on ESPer.
Google Code-in
A deep dive into my open-source journey with OpenWISP for Google Code-in ‘19.
The DPDT push switch
Find out how these push switches work to add more to your arsenal.