Software Development
Crafting digital symphonies, orchestrating technological advancement.
Automating code compilation
A short guide on automating code compilation for software projects in a Linux environment.
Managing project-specific configurations in ZSH
A short post outlining how I implement project-specific shell configurations in Linux.
Remove duplicate elements from lists
A neat and compact way to remove duplicate elements from lists.
Year-wise population graph using Scrapy
Explore the trends in world population over the years yourself using a bit of code.
Enter, semiprime numbers
We all know about primes, let’s now dig into semiprimes.
Behold, the factorial
A neat and shorthand way of expressing the factorial in Python.
Testing “django-netjsonconfig”
The challenges which I faced while installing and using django-netjsonconfig.
Google Code-in with OpenWISP
My experiences with Google Code-in 2017 and OpenWISP.